How To Deploy The Components Of McAfee Agent Using Group Policy?
The deployment of the components of McAfee Agent using group policy is best done when the components are extracted from framepkg.exe . It does not support the use of User Configuration and works best with Computer configuration. The components required for this are FramePkg.exe from the ePO(ePolicy Orchestrator) server (with the default installation path being C:\ProgramFiles\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\Software\Current\EPOAGENT3000\Install\0409\FramePkg.exe) , a tool like WinZip that helps in file archive extraction and Orca.msi. It can be extracted from Microsoft SDK download. In order to enable the GPO, you need to fist extract all contents from FramePkg.exe, to do that, first create a folder by the name of FramePkg , and then use the tool called file archive extraction to extract al contents from Framepkg.exe and shift it to the folder you just created. Srpubkey.bin, Sitelist.xml, FrmInst.exe, cleanup.exe, reqseckey.bin, MFEAgent.m...